The Ribbon in My Journal – Phyllis Hoffman DePiano

My Delightful Garden

You already know how I love gardening—the great care involved, the beautiful colors, and the satisfaction of watching your work grow and flourish—so I’ve decided to bring you all into my garden and show you a place near and dear to my heart. This potting shed in my garden is where the magic happens, where I’ve happily gotten my hands dirty, and where I’ve made a multitude of memories.

Through the gate and down a short path is the focal point of my garden, and it’s both practical and pretty. Tucked beneath a towering oak tree, my rock-walled potting shed is made from leftover stone and assorted old bricks. It is where I plan my garden, start seeds under grow lights, and store all of my terra-cotta pots, trowels, and gardening treasures. I just love some of it’s charming features like the cornflower-blue Dutch door and the ceiling fan to keep me cool when I’m working in the hot Alabama summers.

The shed’s muted tones act as a canvas and let the colorful perennials that bloom in the foundation planter really take center stage. Inside, I chose to have exposed beams for a place to hang herbs, hydrangeas, and roses to dry. Wide shelves wrap around the walls for a place to store gardening basics and special items from antiques shops and flea-market jaunts.

I think this quote by 20th-century writer Karel Capek describes gardening beautifully.
“Let no one think that real gardening is a bucolic and meditative occupation. It is an insatiable passion, like everything else to which a man gives his heart.” This simple square potting shed tucked into my garden is where my passion comes alive and where I get to work alongside Mother Nature to create natural beauty. It is a truly special place, and it has my heart.

To see all of the photos and the full article about my garden and many others, pick up the gorgeous special issue of Victoria magazine, Gardens of Bliss.

I’d love to hear about your dream garden in the comments below.

Get the issue!