The Ribbon in My Journal – Phyllis Hoffman DePiano


Expressing gratitude is something that I am becoming more aware of in my daily life. I am so good at thinking that I should express gratitude, but then I get distracted and forget to say something. I have several friends who are wonderful at taking time to express gratitude. These ladies always remember to call or send a text if there is something quick they want to say. Other times, they send cards or write notes.

When I stop and think about it, I am the one who needs to become aware of acknowledging kind deeds. Now you know I am a huge promoter of the written note, but I am finding in this confinement during COVID-19, a text or email is so uplifting. Just a simple “thinking of you” makes my day. And when I get a funny cartoon or saying, I am even more uplifted. Is there anything more warming than knowing you are being thought of by a special person in your life?

Today during this Thanksgiving season, express your gratitude to someone who you love and admire. It might be a cute text or email or a lovely note. It will warm your heart and theirs. I am thankful for you that we share a love of life. I pray your Thanksgiving, which might not be your normal tradition, will be meaningful. Stay safe, be careful and know you are so important to the people in your life.