The Ribbon in My Journal – Phyllis Hoffman DePiano

Southern Spotlight from <em>Southern Lady</em> Magazine: Silver Lining

Photography by Southern Lady magazine

From guest editors of Southern Lady magazine

Atlanta’s time-tested Beverly Bremer Silver Shop preserves the legacy of sterling with a remarkable inventory and unmatched industry knowledge. 

The year was 1975, and Atlanta mom Beverly Bremer was in need of a way to provide for her three children. Looking to sell her set of Reed & Barton Francis I silver, she headed to a local pawnshop, where they didn’t recognize the pattern and said they would pay for the metal’s melted-down value. “That’s crazy,” Beverly told them. “That’s a very popular pattern. I know people who would love it.” The shop owners suggested she go find those people instead, and that’s exactly what she did. Her venture evolved into Beverly Bremer Silver Shop, an internationally acclaimed boutique that has made a name for itself as the place to find all things sterling. The shop touts an abundance of discontinued classics as well as a steady stream of rare acquisitions. “If you’ve inherited something, chances are we have more of it,” says Mimi Bremer Woodruff, Beverly’s daughter, who now runs the shop. 

Owner Mimi Bremer Woodruff / Photography by Southern Lady Magazine

What sets the shop apart, she says, is her staff’s impressive knowledge of a very intricate subject, the well-preserved condition of their original merchandise, and the depth of their inventory, made possible only by decades of sourcing goods. The importance of such an inventory lies in its dwindling supply, as many sterling silver manufacturers have merged over the years and have discontinued a majority of their products. “We’ve got 1,200 patterns, and more than 95 percent are inactive,” Mimi says. 

Photography by Southern Lady magazine

Ultimately, Mimi hopes to keep the tradition of silver alive in both admiration and practicality. “Silver is so deeply woven into the fabric of American entertaining,” she says. “The rich history of silver is on display here every day. They’re unique historical pieces, but they’re meant to be used and enjoyed today however you want to use them.” 

For information, visit

Read about blue and white china and other ways to incorporate the classic color combination in Southern Lady magazine’s January/February Issue!